Eucharistic Ministry



To assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion to the assembly at all Masses.

Key Activities

  • Formation Days and Reflection Workshops for current Ministers
  • Training of newly commissioned Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
  • Once a year meeting and refresher training for current Ministers



Mike Foley, contactable via the Parish Office 08 9276 8500  or

The Eucharistic Ministry has approximately a hundred ministers , including youth ministers, most of whom are rostered to serve at the weekend and weekday Masses and a small number of ministers who take communion to the sick.

The selection of candidates into this Ministry is usually done by the Parish Priest.  Once selected the candidates are then trained by the Archdiocesan Liturgy Office to carry out their role with confidence and understanding.  Further formation courses are carried out from time to time to help the minister mature in the understanding of their ministry and role.

Ministers are commissioned for a period of two years after which recommissioning can be made every two years.  This is usually done on the Feast of The Body and Blood of Christ.

Throughout the year, the Archdiocesan Liturgy Office conducts short courses and workshops in which our ministers are encouraged to attend.  Apart from these courses, we have our own yearly meetings where we come together to discuss improvements to our Ministry and to resolve any issues requiring attention.


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