Parish Bulletin, 21 Sunday in Ordinary Time – 21 August

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Posted on by on September 7th, 2011 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners
After much consideration and research, our Parish is embarking on what we believe is an essential and exciting project -the installation of solar electricity generation systems on both our church and parish centre roofs. This will bring us significant savings on electricity costs, offset increasing Government tariffs, help meet the growing energy needs brought about by growth in Parish activity and , importantly, help us to be good stewards of our God-given environment.

What are the Costs?
Electricity Costs 2010/11 Forecast 2011/12 Forecast 2012/13 Forecast 2013/14
$8,700 $9,600 $11,000 $12,400

The recommended maximum system size to provide for our daytime usage is 15KW. The prudent approach is to begin with a 10KW system and gauge the results.
Cost of 10KW system: $40,000
Approximate Saving in Energy Costs: 40 – 50%

Who is the Provider?
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« Reflection: 23rd Sunday of Year A
Parish Bulletin, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 28 August 2011 »


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