Parish Bulletin, 22 January, 2012 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Posted on by on January 25th, 2012 | 0 Comments »

My Dear People,

 On behalf of our Parish Community I welcome back all our parish families who have returned safely from holidays and offer our prayers for a fruitful year of school, work and study. I hope you are all re-vitalized physically and mentally after the break.

 It was encouraging to see a good attendance at Masses over Christmas and New Year week-ends.  I take this opportunity to encourage you to spread the word about the concert, “A Night of Joy”, which is to take place on 10th February at 7.00pm. You may do this by telling your friends, work colleagues and neighbours, by taking some fliers to work, to put in the window of your business or hand out at your retirement home. All help will be appreciated. Read more.

« Parish Bulletin, 15th January – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Parish Bulletin, 29th January, 2012 – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time »


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