Parish Bulletin, 13th May, 2012 – 6th Sunday of Easter, Year B

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Posted on by on May 14th, 2012 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

Happy Mother’s Day! Today we celebrate all the mothers in our community. They are the love at the heart of every family and it is good to give thanks to God, for the life they gave us and for their nurture. It is also a good day for simple gifts to show our appreciation, but the greatest gifts we can offer them are our love and prayers. Today we will ask God’s blessing on mothers of all ages in our community – however I ask you also to pray for all those who find Mother’s Day a difficult time, perhaps because their mother has passed away, or perhaps because their relationship with their mother has broken down. Read more…

« Parish Bulletin, 6th May, 2012 – 5th Sunday of Easter, Year B
Autumn in the Columbarium »


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