Parish Bulletin, 9th September, 2012 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

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Posted on by on September 10th, 2012 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

This week we have a series of days in honour of our Lady. This weekend, the 8th September, we have her birthday; then on  Wednesday 12th, we celebrate the Holy Name of Mary and on Saturday 15th, we commemorate Our Lady of Sorrows. Mary has many names, which only serves to remind us that she is mother to us all in both joy and in sorrow; mother to us as individuals and as nations.                

We Carmelites honour her under the particular name “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel” and wear her brown scapular, which symbolizes to  us a mother’s protective love.

We are fortunate in our parish to have a dedicated group who pray the rosary after the daily Mass each day. The power of such faithful prayer to produce good fruit for our community cannot be underestimated. Today in the church, sadly, the practice of  honouring Mary has fallen away. Families no longer pray the rosary together each day and many people do not even own a rosary.  This must make our Mother deeply sad, just like any other mother whose child no longer speaks to her or pays her the attention due to her.

Perhaps this week is an opportunity to pay a little extra attention to our loving Mother and if we have lost the practice within our family, to take up our rosary beads again and to teach the young ones this beautiful method of prayer.  

I was privileged to celebrate at both Confirmation Masses for our parish children on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the fabulous  Sacramental Programme leadership team, who work so hard to prepare our parish children for the Sacraments and to ensure that the Sacraments are celebrated in meaningful and deeply touching liturgies.

I am sure that the children will remember their special day for a long time to come and ask that you continue to pray for them and their families. – Fr. Sunny  Read more…

« Parish Bulletin, 2nd September 2012 – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Parish Bulletin, 16th September, 2012 – 24th Week in Ordinary Time, Year B. »


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