Parish Bulletin, 20 January, 2013 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C.

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Posted on by on January 17th, 2013 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

 I have received the following note from the Little Sisters of the Poor, at Glendalough; “We are very grateful for the great help and support you rendered us in our work and for allowing us to collect and to make known (our work to) the Congregation.  It is a source of encouragement to us and we ask God to reward you and all your parishioners in the ways He knows best. 

The week-end collection amounted to the total of $6,311.15. It is the generosity of our kind friends and benefactors that help us in our apostolate and make our work among the Aged possible. We are indeed very grateful and wish to assure all of you once again of our daily prayers”.  Several further large donations have been received since the collection last weekend, which makes this a very generous collection indeed. As I have said before, the generosity of the people in our parish is endless and a great source of encouragement to all of us; I see that the Holy Spirit is alive and active in the people here. In this Year of Faith we are called to deepen our faith and contemplate the face of Jesus. The Little Sisters, in their apostolate to the elderly are the face of Jesus to the frail, and in supporting them so generously, we too become that loving face. Read more…

« Parish Bulletin, 13 January, 2013 – Baptism of the Lord, Year C.
Carmelite Friars Memorial Rock »


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