Parish Bulletin, 24th March, 2013 – Passion Sunday, Year C.

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Posted on by on March 20th, 2013 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

 Today is a bittersweet celebration as we remember two important events in the life of Jesus: His triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the coming of His sorrowful Passion. Palm Sunday can be a reminder to us all of how quickly our lives can change. The man who rode into Jerusalem to the acclaim and celebration of the crowds, heralded as a King and Saviour one week, was a few days later dying on the cross; being jeered at and humiliated by the same people. A sobering example to us of how the world can often get things very wrong. I hope that this Lent has been all it should be: a time of letting go of our “world view” and focussing on the ways of heaven, where we, and our lives, are seen quite differently. Read more…

« Parish Bulletin, 17th March 2013 – 5th Sunday of Lent, Year C
Parish Bulletin, 31st March, 2013 – Easter Sunday, Year C »


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