Parish Bulletin, 14th April 2013 – 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

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Posted on by on April 11th, 2013 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

I warmly welcome all our parish families who have brought their children along to Mass this weekend to affirm their commitment to Sacramental preparation for First Communion.  These young people are the “fresh air” of our faith life, reminding us of the simple faith we ourselves enjoyed as children and witnessing to us the excitement leading up to their first reception of the precious Body and Blood of our Lord. Let us support all these parents who are trying hard to raise their children in the faith in very difficult times, by ensuring that we are being good witnesses of Christ and also by praying for the children and their families. Then we can safely leave the rest to the Holy Spirit who dwells in them.  Read More…

« Easter 2013
Parish Bulletin, 21st April 2013 – 4th Sunday of Easter, Year C »


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