Parish Religious Education Program – Enrolment Day For 2017 – Wednesday, 25 January

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Posted on by on January 19th, 2017 | 0 Comments »

These classes are for the children attending non-catholic schools whose family wish them to receive religious instruction and  also to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation. Please note that it is a requirement of this Archdiocese that all children receive at least 2 years of religious instruction prior to receiving their first Sacrament. Therefore, if you would like your child to receive one or all of these Sacraments, please start them in classes as early as pre-primary or year 1 level.

2016 has been a very productive and enjoyable year for us all. Thank you to the children, parents, grandparents, family members, guardians and catechists for your commitment and dedication to coming along each week during the school terms. We pray that baby Jesus will bless all your families with a Christmas filled with His love, peace and joy and we look forward to seeing you next year when classes start, on Wednesday 8th February 2017.

PREP ENROLMENT DAY 2017: Families who wish to enrol their children for the Parish Religious Education Program classes for 2017 are required to attend the enrolment day at ONE of the times below. You will be asked to complete an enrolment form for each child and pay the annual fee of $45 for one child and $50 per family. New families are always welcome but please bring a copy of certificates of your child’s  Baptism and any other Sacraments when you come to enrolment day: WEDNESDAY 25TH JANUARY 2017: 2:30-3.30pm OR 6.00-7.00pm.  For any enquiries, contact Sue Goodwin on 9276 8500 or email


« Parish Bulletin 22 January 2017 – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Parish Bulletin 5 February 2017 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A »


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