Parish Bulletin 16 April 2017 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

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Posted on by on April 13th, 2017 | 0 Comments »

Fr. Sunny, Fr. Tadgh, Fr. John Pallippadan and Fr. John Follent wish you all a blessed Easter, filled with the joy of our Risen Lord.

We would also like to offer our sincere thanks to everyone who helped to organise the many tasks that needed to be done in preparation for our Holy Week celebrations. It is truly a sign of a living community  when so many people put in time and effort in service of their brothers and sisters to provide a warm and welcoming place for all.

Finally, we welcome with joy our newly baptised and visitors who have come from far and wide to join us in our celebrations today.  Read more…





« Parish Bulletin 9 April 2017 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year A
Parish Bulletin 23 April 2017 – 2nd Sunday of Easter – (Divine Mercy Sunday) Year A »


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