Plenary Council 2020 – Come and Join us “Listening and Dialogue Sessions”

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Posted on by on October 11th, 2018 | 0 Comments »

Here Is Your Opportunity—DO NOT MISS IT!!

Speak What is on your Mind and in your Heart  

at the Listening and Dialogue Sessions in the Parish


All are invited to these sessions which will run for about one hour. You can attend just one or as many sessions as you like.

Tuesday evening: 27th of November at 7.30pm

Thursday afternoon: 29th November at 2.30pm

Friday morning: 30th November at 9.30am

Please call the parish office on 9276 8500 to register.


What Happens in a “Listening and Dialogue” Session?

You gather in small groups for prayerful reflection and friendly conversations to share what is on your mind and in your heart for the future of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Pick up a Guide for the Listening and Dialogue Sessions,available in the foyer. You can use this guidewith your family, friends or work colleaguesor whatever group you belong to!  Or come

to a Parish session. To have a look at the Guide for the Listening and Dialogue Sessions, please click here.




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