The Fullness of Joy: How to Pursue Virtue in our Daily Lives

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Posted on by on January 27th, 2020 | 0 Comments »

Our Catholic faith gives us a great road map for being the best version of ourselves, through daily practice of the virtues of justice, faith, hope, charity, temperance and prudence. This short, 3 week course explores the habits and personal dispositions which lead us toward living a virtuous life and practical steps for making positive changes so that we can reach this goal.

Thursdays, 27th February,  5th March, 12th March with Derek Boylen, Director of the Centre of Life Marriage and Family Office

Infant Jesus Parish Centre, 47 Wellington Road, Morley

Suggested Donation: $15



« Parish Bulletin, 26th January – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Alpha – Morning or Evening Sessions Begin 18th February, 2020 »


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