Notice: The Suspension of The Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation

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Posted on by on March 26th, 2020 | 0 Comments »

Following the directive from the Archbishop, the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation (First Rite) scheduled on our Church for every Saturday will be suspended from this weekend until further notice. However please contact Frs Greg, Tadgh and John for individual requests for the Sacrament.

The directive from the Archdiocese regarding to the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation is as follow:

Only the First Rite of Penance (individual confession and absolution) can be celebrated, because of the restrictions on numbers. Priest will do their best to respond to individual requests for the Sacrament, but it is not possible to establish and publicise particular times when the sacrament will be available. People who identify within themselves the need for confession should contact their parish clergy. It is also important to remember that in these extraordinary circumstances we are still able to come before God in sorrow and seek his forgiveness, confident that he is “full of mercy and compassion”. As I said above many things are changing, but God’s compassion, mercy and forgiveness never change. – Pastoral letter dated 24 March


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