Keeping Our Parish Going – Now and Into the Future

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Posted on by on April 23rd, 2020 | 0 Comments »

Dear friends,

 We are living through extraordinary times.  Most of us have never experienced the suspension of public Masses or parish gatherings. I know for many of you this is a cause for sorrow and deprivation.

However we do need to be realistic and accept that the Covid-19 crisis may last for months.  Its impact will touch every household. Despite these challenges, we should not lose heart. Our buildings are closed but the Church is alive and open.  We need to make this an opportunity to deepen our prayer, our relationship with God and our concern for one another.  The life of the Church continues in our prayer and mutual support.

The work of our parish goes on, even if in different forms. We are responding in the following ways:

  • We continue to support parishioners by celebrating funerals and visiting the sick. When asked we take Communion and anoint sick people at home.
  • We keep in touch with our parish community through the Parish webpage, Facebook and email. And of course we are available by phone.
  • Unfortunately, we have  had to stand down our staff and close the parish office.
  • We have also postponed all major maintenance and refurbishment projects.
  • Our columbarium committee continues to arrange and attend internments as necessary.
  • Some of our staff continue to work voluntarily to complete necessary daily duties, such as paying accounts, attending emails, publishing the bulletin, maintaining the website, gardening, cleaning and general maintenance.

Perth Archdiocese is helping. Archbishop Costelloe has suspended the 2020 Archdiocesan Assessment which supports the works of the Archdiocese. This will limit our expenditure, though raising revenue is our responsibility. At the moment, with no public masses or collections we have had a significant reduction in our income. A number of parishioners have told me that they want to continue to financially support the parish during this extraordinary time.

These are uncertain times, the financial effects of which are becoming obvious to us all. I appreciate whatever financial support parishioners can provide. However, I understand that those in financial difficulties will need to review, or even cease their level of support.

Our principal source of income is from our planned giving contributors. With no public masses this is now unavailable to us. Many of you already contribute by direct debit or direct bank deposit. If you do not I  ask you to consider contributing in this way to our parish finances. It is an easy and effective way to support us at this time.

The details on these options are here:

¨ Direct Bank Deposit -  Infant Jesus Parish Morley—BSB: 086 006 Account No:66860 6029  (Reference: PG + your envelope number)

¨ Direct Debit – Please complete the Direct Debit Application Form which you will find on the  Parish Webpage at, under ‘Contact us’—Parish Forms—Planned Giving— complete the Direct Debit Form and       return the completed form to

Thank you for your desire to support your parish. I am deeply grateful. It means the work of the parish will continue throughout the duration of this crisis. Thank you for your commitment to the parish.

Every day when we celebrate the Eucharist we gratefully pray for you and your families. Nor do we forget those who are isolated and alone and all those affected by the Covid19 virus throughout the world.


Every blessing and good wish,

Fr Greg


« Sunday Readings and Family Prayer for Third Sunday of Easter
Parish Bulletin 26 April – Third Sunday of Easter, Year A »


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