A Prayer When One Cannot Receive Communion

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Posted on by on June 12th, 2020 | 0 Comments »

A Prayer When One Cannot Receive Communion


My Jesus,

I believe that, even before I was born, you have been with me,

knitting my very being, day by day, into the garment of your love,

clothing me with grace every moment of my life.

And on the day of my baptism you poured your love into my heart

through the Holy Spirit who unites me eternally to you.


Through that same Spirit I pledge my love and adore you,

present in your Most Holy Body and Blood.

Though I cannot consume you in this sacred banquet

let me be consumed by your complete desire for me

so that my longing for you may be filled with your love alone

and your mercy overflow through me into this world so in need.


On that joyful day when I do receive you in the Eucharist,

may I remember that this precious gift is still but a foretaste

of the holy gifts that await your holy people at your heavenly altar.

There, with the saints and angels, we shall see you face to face

and give you perfect praise for ever. Amen.


Diana Macalintal

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