Parish Bulletin 12 July 2020 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

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Posted on by on July 15th, 2020 | 0 Comments »

Dear brothers and sisters,


Today and the next two Sundays the Gospel is taken from Matthew 13: the parable chapter. Today we hear the parable of the Sower (vv. 1-8), along with an allegorical interpretation (vv. 18-23) and the intervening material (vv. 9-17).  At my masses, I will take the shorter option and simply read the parable itself. There are riches here which get swamped by the allegorical interpretation. The aim of a parable is not to teach a moral lesson but to change the way we see things—to show us “another world”. Read more  here


« Parish Bulletin 5 July 2020 – Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times, Year A
Parish Bulletin 19 July 2020 – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. »


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