Parish Fundraiser – All Things Gardening

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Posted on by on September 3rd, 2020 | Comments Off

We are planning to hold a big plant/garden stall to raise money for the parish for ongoing maintenance of our buildings. We will not set a firm date until the WA government  announces the move to Stage Five and Covid-19 regulations are relaxed a little more. However, we hope to hold this fundraiser around the beginning of next Autumn—April/May 2021.


In the meantime, we need your help! You can help in many ways, but here are some of them:

  • If you love to garden, please start potting up plants from your garden. Anything at all will be welcome, but especially popular are succulents of all kinds, indoor plants, flowering shrubs, herbs. To prevent the spread of disease, potting mix rather than garden soil should be used. Please collect some pop sticks from the parish office so that you can name your potted plants (write the name on the pop stick and pop it in the pot for us)
  • If you are an average gardener and subsequently have lots of empty pots from your past attempts, please consider donating them to the parish for use by others. Pots of all kinds  (plastic, terracotta, pottery etc ) and sizes (even tiny tubestock pots) will be welcome and can be dropped to the parish office. Please hose out your pots before bringing them in.
  • Do you have old terrariums or interesting old ceramic pots ( old teapots even, or giant cups) which could be used to plant mini-gardens? Please bring them in!
  • If you are not a gardener at all, but know someone who loves their garden, why not ask if they will pot up some things for you to bring along—most gardeners love sharing!
  • If you sew, consider making some gardening aprons, hats, sleeve protectors etc to donate for the sale (children’s sizes too).
  • If you love craft, consider making some garden related items.
  • If you decide to spring clean your shed, consider donating any garden-related items that you no longer want.
  • If none of the above is something you can do, consider donating towards a bag of potting mix ($8 for a 30 litre bag.) for people who want to help by potting up plants.

It would be great to see this fundraiser bring our community together in a real shared effort.

If you have any questions, or better yet, any good ideas to share, please contact Angela via the parish office.


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