Opening of WA Borders – What It Means For Our Parish

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Posted on by on November 12th, 2020 | 0 Comments ยป

With the opening of our borders on 14 November, the need to revisit our commitment to the Phase 4 COVID-19 regulations is of paramount importance.

  • While family groups will be able to sit together, a distance of 1.5 metres between a family group and the next person needs to be observed. Please follow the distancing measures on the pews.
  • At communion time, please follow the floor measures and maintain a 1.5 metre distance between you and the nearest person.
  • ALWAYS sanitise your hands as you enter the church.
  • Observe the designated entrance and exit doors.
  • After each WEEKDAY Mass and WEEKEND Mass, please assist in sanitising the church by spraying the pews with disinfectant. The bottles are kept in the flower room.
  • The toilets need to be cleaned after each Mass by spraying with alcohol based disinfectant. Volunteer your help with this.
  • Sanitise your hands whenever you visit the parish centre and follow the floor markings for appropriate distancing.
  • If you are a group or ministry co-ordinator, ensure your group or ministry members are aware of the requirement to follow Phase 4 regulations.

Together, we can ensure that our worship space and community areas are safe places for our whole community, especially our very elderly and vulnerable community members. The opening of our borders will caused increased anxiety amongst many of our parishioners. Please help by doing everything you can to ensure that we are all safe.


« Parish Bulletin 15 November 2020 – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Parish Bulletin 22 November 2020 – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year A »


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