Important Notice to All Parish Volunteers

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Posted on by on January 27th, 2022 | 0 Comments »

Archdiocese of  Perth’s Position Statement

for Parishes in preparing for COVID-19 in the Community and Vaccination Support

 Our parish has received an important communication from the Archdiocese of Perth, regarding  the WA Government COVID-19 vaccinations requirements in relation to parishes. All parish employees, both paid and voluntary, must be double vaccinated by THIS MONDAY 31 January 2022. We are to ensure every volunteer in our parish is vaccinated to continue to serve in his/her role by that date. The printed copies of the Archdiocese statements are available on the bulletin stand or visit our parish website to read the statement online.

As our parish is now required to record evidence of vaccination, you must PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION of your current status of vaccination to by 31 January 2022. If you have a medical exemption or would not be in compliance by 31 January, please contact parish office or speak to Fr Greg.

If there are any modifications or clarifications of this policy, we will alert everyone as soon as we are informed.

Thank you for your continued support in keeping our parish COVID safe.


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Parish Bulletin 6 February 2022 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C »


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