Parish Bulletin, 17th July, 2022 – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

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Posted on by on July 14th, 2022 | 0 Comments »

Dear brothers and sisters,

In the First Reading (Gen 18:1-10) Abraham provides the traditional hospitality of his culture to three mysterious strangers who are sometimes addressed in the plural and sometimes in the singular. The 15th century Russian iconographer Andrey Rublev sees these ‘angelic’ visitors as a traditional image of the Trinity. Abraham and Sarah give traditional, generous hospitality but the guests leave a precious gift- the promise of a child. Abraham and Sarah receive their heart’s desire: a future for their family who will become a great people and a blessing for all the nations of the earth (Gen 18:18). Read more…


« Congratulations, Layla!
Parish Bulletin, 24th July, 2022 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. »


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