Parish bulletin 30 April 2023 – Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on April 27th, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today’s readings feature the ‘Shepherd’ image which goes back to King David who was a young shepherd before being anointed as king(1 Sam 16:11-13). Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 23 April 2023 – Third Sunday of Easter, Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on April 27th, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today’s Gospel (Lk 24:13-35) is eloquent and profound. In all the appearances of the risen Lord he meets people where they are in life: Mary Magdalene in her grief, Thomas with his doubts, the frightened group in the upper room and today two shattered and disillusioned disciples escaping from Jerusalem.  Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 16 April 2023 – Second Sunday of Easter, Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on April 13th, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

Our First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles (2:42-47) giving us an idealised idea of the disciples in the very early days of the Church. The power of the Spirit, so evident in the ministry of Jesus and later at Pentecost, continues in the subsequent life of the church. Read more…

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Parish bulletin 9 April 2023 – Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of the Lord

Posted on by ijoffice on April 6th, 2023

Dear sisters and brothers,

Each year Easter renews our foundational Christian hope with the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. The risen Lord still bears the marks of his suffering and death on the cross. Read more…

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