Parish Bulletin 29 January – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on January 25th, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

In the same way that the Jews have the Law of Moses – the Torah – that shapes their life, so the Sermon on the Mount shapes and characterises the life of the Christian community. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 22 January 2023 – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on January 19th, 2023

An Active Parish:

Youth Ministry and Music Ministry

This year we would like to start a parish-based youth ministry. As a parish, we would like to engage the young people of our community to better understand the faith and make it more relevant to their everyday lives.  Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 15 January 2023 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on January 12th, 2023



These classes are for the children attending non-catholic schools whose family wish them to receive religious instruction and  also to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 8 January – The Epiphany of the Lord

Posted on by ijoffice on January 5th, 2023

The Epiphany of the Lord

Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they see:

heaven on earth, earth in heaven, man in God, God in man,

one whom the whole universe cannot contain now enclosed in a tiny body.         Read more…

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