Parish Bulletin 19 June 2022 – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Year C

Posted on by ijoffice on June 16th, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

The feast of Corpus Christi is a celebration of the Eucharistic Mystery as an ever new and rich gift of God. Our First Reading (Gen 14:18-20) focusses on the Canaanite king of Jerusalem, Melchizedek, a pagan who blesses Abraham and offers him bread and wine: symbols of the sharing that takes place between friends at a meal. Read more..

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Parish bulletin 12 June 2022 – The Most Holy Trinity, Year C

Posted on by ijoffice on June 9th, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today we celebrate the Christian understanding of God, the Holy Trinity.  God is an outgoing, active communion of love. Read more..

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Parish Bulletin 5 June 2022 – Pentecost Sunday, Year C

Posted on by ijoffice on June 2nd, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

The First Reading (Acts 2:1-11) lists Jewish pilgrims from diverse regions who hear the Spirit-filled apostles each in their own language. Read more..

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Parish Bulletin 29 May 2022 – The Ascension of the Lord, Year C

Posted on by ijoffice on May 26th, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

The feast of the Ascension marks Christ’s victory over evil and death and celebrates his glorification with God. We rejoice that the humanity of Christ is united with God in glory and so gives us hope of being one with God. Read more..


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