Parish Bulletin 21st April, 2022 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, YearC

Posted on by ijoffice on April 21st, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. ‘Mercy’ in Hebrew is understood as compassion- that seeing the pain of another, sympathetically feeling that pain and actually doing something to help the sufferer. Jesus reveals the compassionate heart of God and he gives us his Spirit that we may continue his mission of healing and reconciliation. We are called  to include not only every person in need (no one is excluded), but also the whole of creation including animal and plant life. Read more…


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Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Posted on by ijoffice on April 14th, 2022

Happy Easter!

The death of Jesus on the cross was traumatic for his disciples and friends. It was the end of all their hopes. The Easter Gospel we have today (Jn 20:1-9) has Mary Magdalen as the first to find that the tomb was empty. Read more…

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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year C

Posted on by ijoffice on April 8th, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters,

The Peace of Christ be with you this Holy Week and Easter.

This week I share with you this commentary of Australian Scripture scholar Fr Brendan Byrne, SJ, on the Passion according to Luke which we hear at Mass today: Read more…


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Parish Bulletin 3 April 2022 – Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C

Posted on by ijoffice on March 31st, 2022

Peace be with you, dear friends,

Fr John and I thank all who have offered their prayers and condolences on the sad and unexpected death of Fr Tadgh.  Read more…

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