Parish Bulletin 30 May 2021 – The Most Holy Trinity, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on May 27th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today’s feast of the Holy Trinity invites us to reflect the divine mystery. The doctrine of the Trinity was the result of the reflection by Christians, in the time after the New Testament was written, on their experience of God as revealed in Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 23 May 2021 – Pentecost Sunday, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on May 21st, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

Pentecost was a Jewish harvest festival that commemorated the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. The Torah, God’s gratuitous gift to the Jewish people, gave them their identity and a guide for living. Luke, writing in the Acts of the Apostles in today’s First Reading (Acts 2:1-11) locates the imparting of the Spirit upon the Church on the Jewish feast of Pentecost. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 16 May 2021 – The Ascension of the Lord, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on May 13th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today we celebrate the glorious Ascension of the Lord. We have two accounts one in the First Reading (Acts 1:1-11) the other in the Gospel (Mk 15:15-20). Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 9th May 2021 – Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on May 6th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

“Remain in my love” is a central theme in the spirituality of the Johannine Fourth Gospel and Epistles. If we take this understanding to heart if will reshape our whole approach to the Christian life. It is a precious gift. Read more…


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