Parish Bulletin 7 March 2021 – Third Sunday of Lent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on March 4th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

The ten commandments in our First Reading (Ex 20:1-17), are not an abstract moral code imposed from on high by a judgemental God. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 28 February 2021 – Second Sunday of Lent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on February 26th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

The full text of God’s testing of Abraham is a masterpiece of narrative art. Today’s First Reading (Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18) is an abbreviated version.  Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 21 February 2020 – First Sunday of Lent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on February 18th, 2021
Dear brothers and sisters,

The First Reading (Gen 9:8-15) follows the story of Noah and the great flood. The flood is as if creation went into reverse. Read more...
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Parish Bulletin 14 February 2021 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on February 11th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

Our First Reading this week from Leviticus 13 tells us of the horror in which the ancient world held leprosy.  Read more…

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