Parish Bulletin 31 December 2023 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on December 28th, 2023

Every year, our parish hosts an annual volunteers Thanksgiving Mass  to thank those who give so much time and energy to the life and mission of our parish.  Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 25 December 2023 – The Nativity of the Lord

Posted on by ijoffice on December 21st, 2023

Happy Christmas to all!

Today we celebrate the joy of God becoming human (the Incarnation). I will share some thoughts with you on the readings from midnight mass (Is 9:1-6, Ps 96, Titus 2:11-14 and Lk 2:1-14). We live today in a world where violence, war and the lack of human respect are all around us.  Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 24 December 2023 – 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on December 21st, 2023

Dear sisters and brothers,

Our Gospel today comes from Luke (Lk 1: 26-38). At the end of Advent we focus on Mary and her response to the invitation to become the mother of the Lord. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 17 December 2023 – Third Sunday of Advent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on December 14th, 2023


In today’s world does sin matter? Sin is a force to be reckoned with in human life; it has power in the working of human societies and in each person’s life.  Read more…

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