Reflection: Solemnity of Corpus Christi – Body of Christ. Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on June 26th, 2011

There is something timeless about a crowd.They are just there – no more. In a crowd everyone is average – here we`re not talking about leaders or celebrities. A crowd then helps us understand what it means to form one body. None of us here is famous – speaking for myself at least. We can enjoy the anonymity of a crowd walking down the street or out shopping. A crowd will usually have some focus of unity – they are supporters of a team like the Dockers or they are attending a concert together.

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Reflection: Pentecost Sunday

Posted on by ijoffice on June 11th, 2011

Pentecost Sunday Year A
In John`s gospel Jesus referred to the Spirit as a fountain of living water welling up to eternal life. The hymns of the Holy Spirit for Pentecost also evoke the image of water , praying: `On our dryness pour thy dew, wash the stains of guilt away.`

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Reflection: 5th Sunday of Easter Year A

Posted on by ijoffice on May 21st, 2011

In Our Lord’s farewell discourse, beginning at Chapter 13, John the Evangelist repeats many of the themes of his gospel. We are told that the last Supper was in progress, and John tells us that Jesus had an inner conviction that He had come from God and was returning to God.

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Reflection: Third Sunday of Easter Year A

Posted on by ijadmin on May 9th, 2011

The community of faith continues in these weeks after Easter to rejoice in our new-found joy – Jesus is risen, he has conquered sin and death. Peter is one of the chief witnesses to all this and in the 1st Reading today we find him standing up fearlessly to evangelise the people – almost to harangue them -in the power of the Spirit of Pentecost. Then again in the 2nd reading today the liturgy turns to the Letter of Peter to instruct and nourish us in faith – `So that you would have faith and hope in God.`

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