Parish Bulletin 31 March 2024 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Posted on by ijoffice on March 28th, 2024

Dear sisters and brothers,

In the midst of the sorrows and losses of life, we rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus and the life, hope and joy he brings. The Easter Gospel (Jn 20:1-9) shows the confusion and chaos of the disciples when they discover that Jesus’ body is missing from his tomb. Mary Magdalen is the first to make this disturbing discovery. Read more…

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Parish bulletin 24 March 2024 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on March 21st, 2024

Dear sisters and brothers,

Today we celebrate the beginning of Holy Week with entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The Messiah doesn’t come as a victorious king on a war-horse but borrows a humble donkey. Read more…

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Parish Bulletin 17 March 2024 – Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on March 14th, 2024

Dear sisters and brothers,

Since I started reviewing the Collects (Opening Prayer) of the Mass I have been struck by how ancient the prayers are. This is ironic when some denounce our ‘new’ mass as ignoring tradition. Read more…

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Parish bulletin 10 March 2024 – Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year B

Posted on by ijoffice on March 7th, 2024

Dear sisters and brothers,

As we are now more than halfway through Lent the Collect of today’s mass invites us to rejoice: O God, who through your Word reconcile the human race to yourself in a wonderful way, grant that with prompt devotion and eager faith the Christian people may hasten toward the solemn celebrations to come. Read more…

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