Parish Bulletin, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 4 September

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Posted on by on September 7th, 2011 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

Today we celebrate all the fathers in our community and ask God’s blessing on them. May he grant them wisdom, patience, gentleness and compassion, so that they can help to raise children full of the same qualities.

The initial offerings toward the solar panel project have been very encouraging. So far $3996.25  has been raised. I thank Darren Parnell for coming along to speak at all the Masses last weekend and for his commitment to this important project for the parish. Read more…

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« Parish Bulletin, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 28 August 2011
Parish Bulletin, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – 11 September »


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